Houston Thyroid and Endocrine


How Houston Thyroid and Endocrine Cancer Screenings Can Help

Introduction: The Future of Thyroid and Endocrinal Cancer Screening – Houston, TX Test Site & How Patients Can Benefit From This Test

The Houston Thyroid and Endocrine Cancer Screening Center (HTECC) is an outpatient center that provides patients with free thyroid cancer screening and treatment. . The clinic has been providing free thyroid cancer screening and treatment since 1991.The first screening was held on April 4, 1991 at the Woodway Clinic in Midtown Houston. In 1992, Texas Thyroid Cancer Institute (TTIC) began a partnership with HTCC to provide free thyroid cancer screening and treatment. In 2002, TTIC opened its first office in West University Place. In April 2005, the Institute opened its second office in the Katy neighborhood of Houston. HTECC offers free immunohistochemistry (IHC) for thyroid cancers in all age groups and subtypes as well as a variety of other complimentary services to help guide patients through the health care system based on their personal medical histories and needs. For more information about . HTECC, call 832-862-3236 or go to www.houstonendocrinecenter.com/

How To Get Your Houston Thyroid & Endocrine Cancer Test Off Your Schedule & Inevitable

An endocrine cancer is a type of cancer that affects the hormones in your body. It is also called a hormone-producing cancer and is found in women, men and children. Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer and it can be found in any part of your body, but it can be more common to be found in the neck, chest or jaw. .If you have endocrine cancer, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the thyroid gland or radiation to treat it. The radiation treatment is much more effective when the tumor has already spread. Thyroid function is measured mainly by a T-register called a CT scan or MRI test. If there are problems with both tests, biopsy of the thyroid gland may be
